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ON DEMAND Yogadoula Birth Preparation Series
on Teachable Online Platform


Sfr. 175 

Enjoy the convenience of preparing for childbirth on your own time and in the comfort of your home.

My ON DEMAND Yogadoula Birth Preparation Series provides simple and accessible techniques to support the body’s physiology during childbirth. Through breath, movement and tension release practices, you will explore ways to cope with the intensity of the labor process. You will learn about the body’s biological design for childbirth, fostering trust in your body’s intuitive wisdom. Bonding with the baby allows you to become more receptive of what the baby needs so you can ease their passage into your arms. You have access to the series for 4 months and can repeat the lessons as often as you like. I encourage you to practice regularly, so that you can embody the movements and techniques to accompany you through pregnancy and birth. 

The series consists of 6 lessons of approximately 55 minutes each. The themes of the lessons are as follows:

  1. Conscious preparation for labor through yoga, breathing and relaxation

  2. The wondrous pelvis and connecting to baby

  3. Facilitating the journey through positioning, sound and release 

  4. Rhythm and labor stations

  5. Putting it all together for welcoming baby 

  6. Your birth support - integrating your birth partner


No matter what twists and turns your labor process takes, you will be equipped with techniques to harness the power of birth, trust in your body and your baby, and find comfort and relaxation through movement, breath and connection. The practices and relaxation techniques will serve to anchor you in the moment, find strength and trust in yourself and encourage relaxation when faced with the challenges that pregnancy, birth and the postpartum brings.

Click here to access Teachable Online Platform and to register for the course.

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